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Thanks for stopping by my blog!  I'm a mommy of 3 from California who has been happily married for 13 years.  During that time, my husband and I have pretty much followed a straight path that had been laid out before us.  Get married, buy a house, get a dog, have a baby, have another baby, buy a bigger house.  And then, in March of 2009 an opportunity presented itself.  My husband's company needed someone to relocate to Sydney, Australia.  And we thought, "Why not?"
So we took a risk, stepped outside our comfort zone, and haven't looked back since.  It was absolutely the best decision we've ever made.  This blog is my personal journal of our life in Australia.  I write it mostly for me and our family.  But, I hope that others who are considering a similar move might find some encouragement and inspiration here, too.
I've met so many wonderful people through this blog.  If you are reading this and considering a move to Australia, please feel free to contact me.  I'd love to meet you and help you as you embark on this amazing journey.

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