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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Wish List

Things I Wish They Had in Oz:

-Reeses Peanut Butter cups and Heath Bars
-Mr. Clean Magic Erasers
-My Sissy
-Gift Receipts at Toys R Us
-Pay at the Pump petrol stations

(There's heaps more, but those are the biggies for me right now).

Things I Wish they Didn't Have in Oz:

-Cartoon Network and Boomerang
-Speed and red light cameras
-Sharks in the harbour
-Dangerous spiders
-Coin operated shopping trolleys with 4WD

Hey, a girl can dream.

On a side note, today I saw a very attractive young woman wearing full-on MC Hammer style harem pants. Can't touch this:

Please, people, tell me these pants are not making a fashion come back.


Erin Maggie said...

I'm afraid they are dear Jenny. I see those sort of outfits in the city all the time. If that is being a 'fashionista' I don't want to be one. :-)

Here here on the Reese PB cups, etc. I will say, when I first moved here I couldn't find them, but now I can. Many convenient stores in the city will have a huge stock of American candy plus Dr Pepper, Welches, etc. But you pay a premium. Plus you can order them from usafoods.com. But how nice would it be to walk into a Coles and pick up a Reeses for $0.50 or $1.00! Oh, yes, Amazon.com, I agree. Australia needs to get with it in terms of online retailers!! Costco. Hrmph. Melbourne is getting one and if we cross our fingers and it flies down there, then we'll get one here!!

Anonymous said...

Ugh...I didn't like them then and that opinion certainly hasn't changed!. lol Nice pants dude!
At the Miranda Fair mall they have a store in there called Sugar Fix that has lots of american candies and other foods like Aunt jemima syrups and pancake mix, as well as Crisco! lol We went there and they carried cases of Dr. Pepper that might cost you your first born child, but hey it's an option. lol Are you enjoying Australia so far?

Kathy said...

How badly are you destroying the walls? I would have sent more if I thought you'd use them so quickly... Too bad Magic Eraser can't fix broken mirrors or big paint chips.

And, in 2 months, you no longer go to the gas station or use shopping carts? Love it.

Things I wish they had in California: You

Michelle said...

Those pants are most certainly making a comeback! All the celebrities are wearing them in the states (thanks to a contestant on Project Runway), and you simply must buy some to wear when you return! Even our president had been seen wearing baggy MC Hammer pants while playing with his girls in The White House Rose Garden. . . yeah, right!

Beware, your letterbox may be full of magic erasers and candy after this post! LOL!

Jenny said...

Erin- Well, I need to do a little more investigating to get my sugar/chocolate fix! I wish I could just buy a case and hoard them away but I have been known to eat an entire bag of Reeses in one sitting so I have to avoid a chocolate stockpile!

Felicia- if I ever figure out where Miranda Fair mall is I will definitely check that out!

Kathy- I am rationing my use of the magic erasers. When a situation arises I ask myself if it is truly "sponge worthy" Miss you!

Michelle- Ahh- Project Runway. Is there a new season on? I wonder if it's on iTunes???

Anonymous said...

Ditto on everything you listed! Esp the coin-operated "trolleys" that have a mind of their own, and make you feel like a drunk driver.
THOSE pants are here in Melbourne too, WTF?!? I think the 80's are coming back, and I am not taking any part of it! I also saw legwarmers for sale at a store today, UGH.
Re: USA foods store, I have been and I swear it was no bigger than a convenience store, I spent $36 dollars and came home with about 8 items. Boo.

Jungle News said...

Hi there! I found your blog through the blogosphere of American-expats as I am one myself. I've been here 2.5 years and still miss exactly the same things that you mentioned, among MANY others. I've even blogged about Mr. Clean Magic Erasers! I ask friends and family to send me some; they are light so it doesn't cost much to post them. Happy blogging! :)

AKenney said...

Sadly, yes, there are some deluded celebrities wearing those awful pants now. Breaking news: They look awful. On everyone.

On to the American-food crisis, I'm happy to post a metric tonne (haha) of Reese's if you guys want them! Someday I will tell you how much I paid for a jar of peanut butter in France!

lilDdownunder said...

Hey I just found your blog and am having a look through and really enjoying it. I'm from Southern California and have been living north of Sydney for about 4.5 years now. My boyfriend works in the City and he brings me home Reese's Peanut Butter Cups when I've been good. I think it's the "City Convenient" stores that usually have Reese's products. And to back up another commenter, I heard that Sydney is 2nd in line to get a Costco, but don't know when the first one is scheduled to be completed. Anyway, always nice to read about someone else's experiences down here!

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