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Sunday, June 27, 2010

Just Because

The first words out of the Little Buddy's mouth this morning were "Am I going to school today?" When I answered "No" a huge smile of relief spread across his face.
His next question for me: "Is it Just Because I Love You day?"
What could I say? "Yes, it is."
And he ran off to make me something special. Just because he loves me.

What a wonderful start to my day.
And then he asked his sister to make something special for him. Just because she loves him too.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Tastes Like Chicken

Walking through the grocery store in Australia is still a mystifying experience. Here is a small sampling of the interesting products I found for sale in the chip aisle. Because you've always wanted chips that taste like . . . . meat.

Honey Soy Chicken

Not just BBQ- but BBQ Ribs

Moroccan Spiced Chicken and Lemon (really??)

Classic Honey Baked Ham

For the Purists: Chicken

Luckily for me they also have the standard "Sea Salt" and "Salt & Vinegar". Which is good for those of us who prefer our chips to taste like . . . chips.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Boy Stuff

It's been a big week for the Little Buddy.
He got his first buzz cut. (see previous post regarding head lice)
It makes him look so grown up.

After 5 months of gut-wrenching drop offs, he no longer cries every time I leave him at preschool.

He had an eye exam at the optometrist. Seems he inherited his dad's astigmatism. Looks like he'll need glasses- if not now, when he starts school.

And he got his first black eye. It broke my heart.

He's all boy, and I'm so glad he's mine.
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